Sunday, October 28, 2012

History of Creation- Thru Jo Amidon

History of Creation
Home Gallery of Light Library of Information Planetary Origins
A Brief History of Creation 
(Chapter One of Where Are You Really From?) 
The Teachers of The Universal Mind Through Jo Amidon

         There are many names for the God Force.  This force is known by all beings on all planets, by one name or another.  The name by which you refer to the God Force is not important.  In this message, we will refer to it as the God Force or Prime Creator.  The God Force is not of a sex or gender, but is all.  All physical beings are part of the God Force. There are simply various degrees of awareness of the connection.

         In the beginning there was only Prime Creator.  Prime Creator was ever knowing, ever growing, expanding, always changing, questioning, thinking and being.  At some point, Prime Creator began to think heavily upon one thought.  Prime Creator had always existed.  There was no remembered beginning, and no end to the existence of Prime Creator.  Questioning induces growth and change, and Prime Creator began to question his existence and beginning.  This led to a decision to expand further to enhance growth and learning potential.  To best do this, Prime Creator decided to divide into many parts.  Each part would remain connected to Prime Creator.  Each part would have full communication with Prime Creator.  At the same time, each new part would have full freedom to grow and explore whatever path was attractive to it.  This would allow Prime Creator to grow and learn at a more rapid pace, because each part would be separate, yet one.

          The experiences and knowledge gained by each part would in time come back to Prime Creator, when that part had completed all it desired to learn and experience.  Each part would be called a Oversoul.  As each was a part of the God Force, it would have ability and power to create, as long as it kept it’s connection with the God Force.

         Prime Creator began the separation of parts of himself, lovingly and joyfully.  There were great expectations, and excitement at the variety of knowledge and experiences which could be available!  New parts were formed from all areas of Prime Creator, as there were many variations of activity, questioning and types of energy within Prime Creator.  These first created were group energies, or large energy portions called oversouls.  There were many oversouls.  Each would eventually develop into a number of individual spirits, or souls which were like in energy, interest and being.  The parts, or individual spirits,  which were created of energy closest to one other were of course the most alike, even within the oversoul.  The oversoul groups tended to be composed of individual spirits who were similar in what they desired to learn, and how they wanted to go about learning.  At first, the oversouls simply  were.

          They learned that they were capable of independent thought, of communicating with Prime Creator, and with each other within the oversoul, and with other oversouls.  They began to realize that they were capable of movement, and change.  They realized that they could create thought forms and experiment with them and that was one method of learning.

          Prime Creator decided to create physical life, and physical forms, to allow new levels of experience and growth for all parts of the God Force energy.   It was decided that twelve universes would be created.  These would be created with intent for the oversouls to go to these to learn, grow and gain many experiences.  Each Universe would have a special emphasis, to create a certain type of knowledge.  The oversouls would be free to go to the Universe that most appealed to them, and there they could work together to create whatever physical forms appealed to them.  They could learn and experience all that they wished.  Each Universe would exist until each Oversoul or individual spirit portion of each oversoul had learned and experienced all it wished to learn in that universe.

         When all knowledge was experienced and completed by all in that universe, it would return to Prime Creator.  Prime Creator would then possess all knowledge contained within that universe.  Twelve Universes were created by Prime Creator.  At the point in “time” where you currently exist, one universe has completed and returned to Prime Creator.  This could be considered the first Universe, as the first created was the first completed.  The Universe we will now focus on is the one that you live in, which will be called the fourth Universe.  This is a free will Universe.  This means that all is allowed.  In a free will Universe, there is no judgment, no good,  no bad...all is experience, all is learning. There were no rules or restrictions placed upon those in that universe by Prime Creator. There would be no control or judgment of choices or decisions made by them as to areas of growth or experience desired.

          As oversouls were drawn to the Universes which had most interest for them, many oversouls found themselves being drawn to the same areas in the same universes.  They decided to work together and learn to create together.  This is how many of the planets and star systems in your universe were formed.  With the help of Prime Creator, and his blessing, many planets were formed.  On these planets, many different life forms were then created.

         As the oversouls learned to create, several things began to happen.  The oversouls began to act, think and exist more as individual energies, within the group energy  than as group energy.  Portions of these oversouls, individual spirits, began to think of themselves very highly...not as a part of Prime Creator, but as superior to Prime Creator.  Some were excessively proud of the abilities to create and allowed themselves to lose the realization that all power comes from the connection with Prime Creator.  These began to separate from the oversouls, and become individual beings.  They began to drift away from the connection with Prime Creator.

      Some consciously decided that they could learn more alone, without the connection to the oversoul.  These became individual spirits and found themselves changing as they lost the connection with Prime Creator.  They no longer had the abilities to create life as they had before.  They began to forget the abilities they once had and gravitated to planets they had created, or helped to create.  Many of them took up residence in some of the life forms which they had helped to create on these planets.

           As life forms were created on many different planets, many oversouls began to experiment with physical life themselves. This required a separation of energies into separate spirit energies, to allow each the opportunity to experience physical realities.  In time they came to consider themselves more the “physical” self  than the spirit self.  This was all allowed and encouraged, as all is growth and experience.  Others of the oversouls stayed close to Prime Creator and continued to create beautiful planets and life forms of very high frequency.  Thus,  there were a great variety of planets and life forms of many types created in time.  The majority of oversouls, at some point in their development, chose to experiment and learn from physical life and all that could be learned through physical life.

         As many planets and galaxies in your Universe were created, Prime Creator watched the  creation, and the development of the oversouls.  It was evident that much experience and growth was occurring rapidly through physical experience.  With this knowledge, it was decided to begin a special project. A group of oversouls were selected from all areas of the universe. Representatives of each of these oversouls were called to help with this project, if separation into individual spirit portions had occurred, but the connection to Prime Creator maintained. For those oversouls that had not yet separated, and were chosen to help with the project, that entire oversoul energy was called upon. From these selected energies,  Prime Creator asked for the creation of a very special planet.  This planet was to be of great beauty and variety.  Samples of the DNA of life forms that had been created on each planet in the entire universe were to be brought to this planet to create similar life forms.  These life forms would all exist on the one planet.

         The planet was to be called Terra; although later it became Earth.  It was to be a happy place where oversouls,  spirits from this universe, and other universes could visit.  It was to be similar to what you now know as a library.  A living Library.  A spirit could visit the planet, watch the life forms, choose one to experience, and enter the physical form.  The experience could be as long or as short as desired.  When the life form had been experienced, another could be chosen to experience.  Thus, you could experience being a frog, a cat, an elephant or a tree, and see what the reality is like for each.  At any time you would be free to leave, and to return at any time.

         Human forms were designed to be caretakers of the planet.  They were also to be used by spirits, to allow that form to be experienced briefly.  A special type of ego, which would be responsible for the physical function and life “support” of the human form was created. The ego was to be responsible for taking care of the human form and care of the planet,  when the form was not in use by a visiting spirit.  When being visited by a spirit, the ego was to continue body maintenance, yet allow the spirit to control of all else.  All life forms were planned to be peacefully coexistent.

         All did not go exactly as planned.  Many oversouls and visitors became very enamored of physical life on this planet, the wide variety of physical forms available for experience, and the variety of physical terrain and environments available in different areas of the planet. They began to forget that they could leave the physical forms, or to choose not to leave.  More began to stay in the forms, especially the human forms, which were very well liked.  Many began to forget their connection to the God Force, and began to consider themselves Eartheans.

         There were other unplanned for considerations.  Due to the large variety of life forms and creation that had occurred on the planet, there was a large amount of freely available creation energy, or universal life-force.  Therefore, it became a very popular place for many “visitors” to come to work with and develop their skills of creation.  Many of the original life forms were altered and changed dramatically, not only physically, but the energies they had been originally given to allow them to peacefully coexist were also changed by experimenting visitors.

         When created, Terra, was ninth dimensional, higher frequency  than many planets in the universe.  This was due to the original intent for the planet to remain a pure center of learning, to be shared by all.  All physical forms were created to be eternal, with no life cycle needed, due to their original purpose.  As changes occurred with life forms, such as spirit attachment to the forms, and their sequential lack of willingness to leave the planet, the frequency of the planet was lowered.  The plan for the planet was altered according to need.  This meant that a decision was made to allow this to be a planet for physical life experience and life cycle experience.  The name was changed from Terra  to Earth, and frequency was lowered to a sixth dimensional level.  Over time, as a result of many changes which followed, it eventually was lowered to a third dimensional level.

            Many other changes were added at the time of the first lowering of frequency.  The addition of a life cycle and cycle of reincarnation was made to allow for greater experience.  It was felt that greater growth would occur through the reincarnation cycle already being used on other planets of the universe.  It was felt that through this cycle, there would be a greater likelihood of eventual reconnection to the God Force, and it would also allow greater opportunities for others to partake of the experiences available on Earth.  Sleep, the need for food intake for survival, the creation of male and female gender, reproduction through sexual intercourse, childbirth, and the death experience were among the additions.

            The creation of higher selves, addition of spiritual guides, and adding of the use of multi-dimensionality also occurred then for those who had not previously developed in these ways.  Those who had previously experienced physical life on other planets had already begun to work with higher selves, spiritual guides, and multi-dimensionality. There were many who had not began to experience on this level, for those these additions were made.

            After these changes, a large number of beings from other planets began coming to Earth to form settlements.  The majority came for research and exploration of creation abilities, or for learning about the developing Eartheans.  Some came to have the opportunity to influence and affect the development of the new planet Earth. This continued for much of Earth’s history. The adding of these outside energies, genetic  structures and changes which these added influences brought, and the wide variety of planetary teachings and cultures which  would then affect Earth and the beings who lived upon her changed much.  The original plans were allowed to be altered, and the planet was watched to see what developments would occur through allowing free will exploration of all involved.

This information is excerpted from my book "Where Are You Really From?"  copyright 1996  Jo Amidon with The Teachers of The Universal MInd. 

 Click the link above to order your copy ! 

                                                                 Babel Fish Translation

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Light was last updated Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Known Yet Infinite Universe

It seems a couple of Blanche's friends have sought me out to get some information, spiritual, information from me. They say that Blanche referred them to me. I find this interesting.

We are talking and come to an apartment building where Sean and Kia live. There is some mail in the area, maybe on the floor, it's a book addressed to Sean. The book is written entirely in French, a paperback book. It is about 8.5 by 6 or something like that, but it is very thick, and very plain, only a white cover with a grey and white band on the top right of the book. It reads Oct. 23. I am curious about this book and wonder if that is the title of the book, the date the book was written or a date this year we should be watching out for.

We all wonder why such a book was sent to Sean, who later tells us he saw it before but dismissed it because he can't read or speak French. He says this in his usual dismissive Sean way. Kia is here but doesn't say much. We continue to talk and it occurs to me that the book might be a science book and that it was given to Sean because he exhibits some qualities to be very scientific, particularly with his knowledge of how to work thos video games and create video characters. That takes a bit of science knowledge I say.

Then there is this other person talking to us. He is very engaging and we strike up a conversation about the Universe. He goes on and on talking about it till I finally have to cut in and

I say. "The Universe is so awesome, that to know it, is to truly know God. In that moment of knowing the Universe.. This feeling will come and you will in a flash, know the God essence. It will be in a flash and won't last long, but if you ever feel it, you will know. It is completely awesome. To know that we, our planet is like a spec in the entire Universe, like a grain of sand, yet we hold our own, we float in space, we are space travelers on this Spaceship we call Planet Earth. 

We are tucked away in a vast void of space and yet we are as much a part of it as everything else is. Sometimes we may come in close contact with other stuff out there, but for the most part we are just flying, flying through space. We are flying along in space with an infinite number of other entities, stars, planets, asteroids, comets, debris and other stuff we cannot identify, just flying all around in this huge vast space. We don't fall, we don't spin out of control, we don't collide, well not too often, we don't change direction, we follow our designated path through the Cosmos. And many of us on Earth are totally unaware that we are even moving. How amazing is that??

That is our Universe, just like one of those Christmas winter scenes in a round glass that you shake up and watch the stuff float all around. And then little by little, they drop down to the bottom of the round ball until someone shakes it up again.

And a new Universe is born. Imagine that!

Then Blanche is here and she says, "Wow, thank you Nana, as always, you have some interesting lessons to teach everyone."

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Laura Eisenhower - Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails

Published on Aug 22, 2012 by 
Chemtrails, Consciousness & 2012 -- Timelines and the agendas behind the false matrix and the opening of the Natural Stargates

Laura is a Cosmic Mythologist, Global Alchemist and is the great-grandaughter of Dwight David Eisenhower.
For more than 15 years, she has been providing clairvoyant readings and transformative healings
for individuals with the assistance of many divination tools and astrology.

With great passion and courage, she is helping to return Sacred Union (Shiva-Shakti),
divine wisdom, and the many faces of the Goddess that have been buried and forgotten for thousands of years.
Rising from the depths, she restores the tree of life, opens us up to our divine blueprint and brings to life the love story of creation.

Find Books and DVD's about chemtrails

Laura Eisenhower's website

More Information about Laura Eisenhower

Thanks for sharing this video. I watched it and found it resonated with me for the most part. But when she got to the topic of Sylphs, I wondered to myself, hmm, that is interesting. I stopped watching it there and did a google search on Sylphs. This is what I found that I would like to share with you. I saw a lot of stuff, and I still think the Sylphs are just spread out chemtrails. I will take that into my meditation..... Check out this blog.

Agnihotra, Sylphs and Orgonite: Chem Trail Solutions or God-Scam?

July 10, 2008 at 3:41 pm (Gurus and God-Scams)
If you know about chem trails, the toxic unexplained streaks across our skies, chances are you’ve heard of sylphs, orgonite and agnihotra as proposed remedies. Sylphs are elementals or nature spirits. The story goes that giant sylphs who live near the sun and on outer planets of our solar system are hovering around earth these days mopping up the chem trails in response to manmade objects known as orgonite and a ritual known as agnihotra.
Wikipedia gives us a quick glimpse into what agnihotra actually is:
“‘Agnihotra’ is a sacred tradition started by the ‘Rishis’ of ancient India. It is now considered by some as the worship of the Lord Yagna Naarayan. ‘Agnihotra’ then means worshipping the Lord Vishnu – Aadi Naarayan – riding on the divine serpent and controlling the infinite cosmos.”
Hello, what was that? The divine serpent? The worship of Lord Yagna Naarayan?
Agnihotra is an ancient Hindu ceremony that gives worship to the Vedic deity Agni (god of fire and sacrifice), and to Naaravan (Lord Narayana or Vishnu, the second god of the Hindu trinity), and also to the sun god, Lord Surya (sometimes spelled/pronounced Soorvava). The worship is performed by chanting mantras and making offerings into the fire, for the gods to consume as symbols of human obeisance. These acts represent giving the god to whom the sacrifice is directed one’s energy, one’s spiritual allegiance and support.
Based on my knowledge of Sanskrit, here is the mantra translation for part of the agnihotra ritual that so many well-meaning would-be-chem-trail-zappers are performing:
Soorvava Svaha
To the Sun God, I offer myself completely
Sooryaya Idam Na Mama
To the Sun God, I prostrate myself
Agnaye Sváhá
To the God of the sacrifice, I bow down
Agnaye Idam Na Mama
To the God of the sacrifice, I prostrate myself
On the educate-yourself website, one of the primary sources of the sylphs-zap-chem-trails theory, you can read an article telling how the fire sylphs, the beings you appease when you perform agnihotra, are the elementals who rule over gunfire. These beings “give you a hug when you shoot a gun,” according to the article.
The implication of the modern New Age use of agnihotra is that if we offer this worship to the gods and their fire-sylph minions, they will reward us by devouring our chem trails. Even if this were true, do we want to do rituals that empower entities who give people hugs for shooting guns? Do we really want to make offerings to Vedic deities who are the Aryan gods, the gods of Babylon transferred to Indian culture?
The Babylonian gods have been identified in the David Icke research as identical with the entities who interbred with mankind to produce the world’s royal bloodlines, the global elite, which are behind the plan for an Orwelllian New World Order. Truthers believe the chem trails are the handiwork of the global elite. How consistent is it to also believe that the force that generates chem trails is working on mankind’s behalf to destroy chem trails?
Agnihotra links its practitioner to the gods, the dark lords that work in unseen dimensions to twist our earthly reality into a prison, for the sake of their ultimate power and control. I’ve written about the god-worship/ soul-siphoning connection in previous articles (see the “Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment” series in the column to the left). To practice agnihotra in the belief that it is an innocent ritual that will magically clear the sky of chem trails is a mistake, as powerful an error as mantra meditation, guru worship, and any other practice that calls for surrender of the individual ego to limited entities outside oneself.
If that’s what agnihotra is about, what is the real story behind orgonite? I don’t claim to be an expert on that subject. From what I’ve read, however, I have a major concern about the hexagram built into the coils, because it’s an occult symbol with links to some very questionable things.
Again, let’s consult that friend of the common man, Wikipedia (its entry under “hexagram”):
“The six-pointed star is commonly used both as a talisman and for conjuring spirits in the practice of witchcraft. In the book, ‘The History and Practice of Magic, Vol. 2,’ the six-pointed star is called the talisman of Saturn and it is also referred to as the Seal of Solomon …
“Bradley, author of ‘Secrets of the Freemasons,’ claims: ‘the hexagram is widely associated with the occult, and is considered the most powerful of Satan’s symbols, containing ’666.’ Occultists also call it the ‘trud’ and use it in necromantic ceremonies to summon evil spirits.’ (Bradley, ‘Secrets of the Freemasons,’ page 45)”
Is it possible then that the hexagram in the orgonite channels energy to the very beings who are ultimately responsible for the chem trails (i.e., the transdimensional beings whom the Illuminati serve)? The conspiracy is famous for creating feedback loops like this – detours – that seem to lead somewhere out of the clutches of enslavement and actually circle right around back into it. We find this in politics and religion, so why would we not find it in the neutralize-the-chem-trails movement? (For a fascinating examination of how symbols are used by the powers-that-be to trap and siphon human energy, visit Matthew Delooze’s website and books, particularly “The Stars Are Falling” and “Is It Me for a Moment?”)
If orgonite seems to work positively for some people, perhaps the reason is not sylphs but the people themselves. Thought is immensely powerful, and if a person places orgonite in strategic places thinking it will clear the atmosphere of negative influences, perhaps it will, on account of the intention and assumption of the human placing it. This would be the Dumbo Effect: when the baby elephant held a “magic” feather thinking the feather would enable him to fly, the elephant flew all right, but on account of his powerful belief, not on account of the feather.
I have trouble with the story that sylphs eat the chem trails for us when the story also goes that the sylphs had to leave their own planet when it was poisoned with a payload of plutonium. If they drown in the poison of plutonium, how can they safely consume the poison of our chem trails? It doesn’t really make sense.
While I’m convinced there are unseen entities helping mankind, I don’t believe they’re doing it as chem-trail eaters, channeled teachers, authors of divine transmissions, or any of the other flashy images the New Age is fond of waving in front of us. They help us by inspiring, by giving resources of courage and hope, by introducing profound insights, ideas and possibilities into our minds that aid in our finding the way out of the prison we’ve let be built up around us. They can’t and won’t do the work for us, and any unseen entity claiming he can and will is probably a dark lord posing as a friend, the creator of yet another enslaving circular detour.
If we want help from the realms of brilliant and magnanimous entities who work for the freedom and happiness of all beings, we need to address them in that way and ask for their subtle assistance. They will always respond. If instead of that we ask for help from Surya, Agni, Narayana, fire sylphs, sun sylphs, air sylphs or any other named entity famous for “helping” people, the odds are very high that we’re aligning ourselves with our deceivers and enslavers, dressed up in their latest disguise.
If in fact there are sylphs who work to help mankind, then addressing “you in the unseen who work for the freedom and happiness of all beings” will naturally enlist the aid of sylphs, among other generous entities. On the other hand, if sylphs are a name for a branch of the deceivers, addressing “you in the unseen who work for the freedom and happiness of all beings” will not invite the sylphs’ influence into your energy field.
It is better to be safe than foolishly trusting. Better to address requests for assistance in a way that protects one’s soul and energy than in a wide-open, trusting way that allows in any fad New Age influence that people happen to be talking about.
The transdimensional deceivers have great PR. They never come out and say, “We’re here to take your soul energy and spiritually assimilate you.” Look at how sweetly their ritual is described in the words of an agnihotra website that is popular now:
“Homa is a Sanskrit word used here synonymously with Yajnya. [Bronte’s note: “yajnya” actually translates as “sacrifice to the gods.”] …
“Homa Therapy is totally a revealed science. It is as old as creation. In the course of time this knowledge was lost, but it is now being resuscitated to give people guidance about how to correct the polluted conditions we find ourselves in on the planet today.
“Homa Therapy comes from VEDAS, the ancientmost body of knowledge known to man. The most basic Homa (Yajnya) is called AGNIHOTRA and is tuned to the biorhythm of sunrise/sunset. Performance of Agnihotra on a regular daily basis establishes the healing energies necessary for a healthy environment.”
Now what poor fool wouldn’t want to sign up for that?
(NOTE TO READERS: This article is expanded in the comment section below, where prompted by the thoughtful remarks of a reader, I write more deeply about this subjects. If you enjoy this blog, don’t skip reading the comments underneath the articles. They are sometimes the very best part.)
Bronte Baxter
© Bronte Baxter 2008
Anyone may republish this article on another website as long as they include the copyright and a back link to this site.

Monday, August 20, 2012

The pictures below are wonderful

The pictures below are wonderful, 
I hope you all enjoy them as much as I did.

      Yep, for sure, what our world and all of us needs is 




Monday, July 30, 2012

From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life: The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology (FULL LENGTH VIDEO)


As the natural world dies around us, what will take its place? Planetary engineering includes bioremediation measures to bring us genetically engineered trees and crops. And what of humans themselves? How are we being transformed from the inside out?

Presented at Conspiracy Con 2011, this 1 hour power point presentation by Sofia Smallstorm introduces primary and scientific findings hidden in the muffles of mainstream alternative media.

People around the world are observing aerosol spraying (also called "chemtrails") and strange man-made clouds. White skies filter sunlight as trees around the country sicken and die. Soil and water tests high for heavy metals, and artificial fibers fall on us from the sky.

Is aerosol spraying only about experimenting with weather? What do the self-replicating fibers found in Morgellons patients signify? Why are engineered materials being found in airborne environmental samples?

All this suggests a planetary engineering program that is affecting and targeting all living things. Synthetic biology is science's most exciting new frontier, combining genetics, robotics and nano-technology with artificial intelligence, hybridizing natural forms and engineering tissues beyond our wildest dreams. The technology explosion is skyrocketing, and artificial intelligence will soon surpass our own capabilities.

How will our world be organized then? Will we turn ourselves over to machines? Or will we have become technological hybrids ourselves?


Also check out:

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Who Turned Off the Stars?

Who Turned Off the Stars?

Who painted my night sky, light blue with big cotton fluffy clouds? Who did that? The sky looks like day time, yet it's night time. How weird is that? Day time sky, day time white fluffy cottony clouds, blue sky, beautiful blue, lovely blue, but scary blue. Not dark midnight black blue, but bright clear crystal blue. And the full moon, shining like it is the sun, brightening up this very weird sky. Did they switch places, did the night now become the day, the day the night? How is that? I am dumbfounded. Everyone should be outside, out of their comfy beds, looking up. All those who work at night, should take a break and look up. I got pictures to prove it, wishing for a better camera, if you think I am trippin. I check the sky out every night, was happy to see the full moon, but shocked to see a bright blue sky!! WTH?

Uploaded by on Feb 20, 2011

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The airglow above the horizon, captured from the ISS.
Airglow (also called nightglow) is the very weak emission of light by a planetary atmosphere. In the case of Earth's atmosphere, this optical phenomenon causes the night sky to never be completely dark (even after the effects of starlight and diffused sunlight from the far side are removed).

Uploaded by on Jul 24, 2008
Noctilucent Clouds - They hover on the edge of space. Thin, wispy clouds, glowing electric blue. Some scientists think they're seeded by space dust. Others suspect they're a telltale sign of global warming. They're called noctilucent or "night-shining" clouds (NLCs).

          Uploaded by on Jul 17, 2011
Very bright Noctilucent Clouds

Published on Jun 6, 2012 by

It is 2:30 AM, June 5, 2012. Full moon night. But when I look outside, I see I bright blue sky, with white fluffy clouds, and the Full Moon that lit up the sky like it was the Sun. It was an extraordinary sight to behold. It was as if the Moon was shining in the clear sky like the Sun had done earlier. It was fully illuminating the sky to the point where the blue sky seemed like a crystal blue, especially behind the moon's brightness. I do not understand this type of phenomenon. I had noticed over several months that our night time sky barely had visible stars for the thick milky white substance that coated the sky. But this night, the sky was bright blue, clear, in fact the blue was beautiful and is barely seen during the day time, these days, so much rain and cloud cover. It was as if the day time sky and night time sky switched places but didn't tell the moon or the sun. When will the midnight blue sky come back, a sky littered with beautiful sparkling stars?

Night clouds or noctilucent clouds are tenuous cloud-like phenomena that are the "ragged-edge" of a much brighter and pervasive polar cloud layer called polar mesospheric clouds in the upper atmosphere, visible in a deep twilight. They are made of crystals of water ice. The name means roughly night shining in Latin. They are most commonly observed in the summer months at latitudes between 50° and 70° north and south of the equator. They can only be observed when the Sun is below the horizon.

They are the highest clouds in the Earth's atmosphere, located in the mesosphere at altitudes of around 76 to 85 kilometres (47 to 53 mi). They are normally too faint to be seen, and are visible only when illuminated by sunlight from below the horizon while the lower layers of the atmosphere are in the Earth's shadow. Noctilucent clouds are not fully understood and are a recently-discovered meteorological phenomenon; there is no record of their observation before 1885.

Noctilucent clouds can form only under very restrictive conditions; their occurrence can be used as a sensitive guide to changes in the upper atmosphere. Since they are a relatively recent classification, the occurrence of noctilucent clouds appears to be increasing in frequency, brightness and extent. It is theorized that this increase is connected to climate change.

Uploaded by on Dec 6, 2011
love to absolutely everyone ,even the people i feel wronged by,i forgive you and love you,As you get to the cfht website from the link I left you down below,you will see about 10 cfht images that continually rotate like a mini slideshow on the front of the cfht page..when you get to the front of the cfht web page its VERY IMPORTANT that you keep your eyes pinned open and ready,wait for the only picture of its kind in the loop,its ,an orange,glowing and streaky cloud picture that pops up for a few seconds in the rotation of pictures taken from the cfht telescope ,,,i want you to stop,study the reddish,streaky chemcloud image closely just so you can begin to recognize the artificial cloud as the chem cloud that it is ,,,ironic,that reddish streaky picture is of the exact same chemclouds here that i am exposing and talking about in the beginning of this vlog ,I also document that same type of reddish chemclouds in the video ive created that is actually in this video as well,that chemical cloud looks like dirty fire,well,the cfht damn well knows that picture they added to the collage is a chemcloud,yet they brainwash you anyways. into thinking it's real,this is a big cover up .,You can watch more documented weather wars from Hawaii thru this CFHT TELESCOPE at
Look what they are teaching our kids,evil-NASA S'COOL: On-Line Cloud Chart is full of 99% chemclouds ! )
I will have more vodeos from this telescope soon,i didn't want to actually download the vids straight from the cfht,because i was a little worried about using the cfht vids for my weather wars documentation from the government and making someone upset lol

Video of that night by CFHT Observatory.

About the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope


CFHT is a joint facility of:
The CFH observatory hosts a world-class, 3.6 meter optical/infrared telescope. The observatory is located atop the summit of Mauna Kea, a 4200 meter, dormant volcano located on the island of Hawaii. The CFH Telescope became operational in 1979. The mission of CFHT is to provide for its user community a versatile and state-of-the-art astronomical observing facility which is well matched to the scientific goals of that community and which fully exploits the potential of the Mauna Kea site.The Observatory headquarters are located in Waimea (also known as Kamuela by the US Postal Service), where CFHT has been part of the community since 1977. 

Who turned off the stars? Light pollution

When you look up at the night sky on a clear night, you probably mutter "wow, look at all those stars."
Well, if you live anywhere near a big city, you don't know the half of it.
What you may not realize is that you're suffering from light pollution. The sky is so washed out by excess urban lighting that instead of seeing thousands and thousands of stars, you may be seeing only hundreds - or sadly, maybe only dozens.
And, as we lose sight of more and more stars to light pollution, we lose a connection to the universe. We may even lose a little bit of our souls.
Click on the audio player below to learn more.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Ishtar Eggs and Tammuz Trees

 Day of Ishtar and Tammuz

Assyrian Culture > Culture & History, Ishtar Eggs and Tammuz Trees
Ishtar Eggs and Tammuz Trees

Tiglath Chibo Australia


The ancient Babylonians used many myths about their Gods to explain nature. The pre-eminent myth of the seasons however remains to this day one of the greatest stories ever told.

The myth is the love story of the God Tammuz and the Goddess Ishtar. This same love story along with the resurrection, death, marriage and birth of Tammuz are holidays used to explain a fertility ritual connected to the agricultural birth-life-death-and-renewal cycle. In the myth Ishtar symbolises the lunar and female reproductive cycle, whereas Tammuz symbolises the cycle of the seasons.

The Original Myth

At their first encounter, Ishtar is said to have fallen in love with the shepherd boy Tammuz who in turn asks for her hand in marriage. The Holy Marriage of Ishtar and Tammuz takes place and Tammuz is elevated to the god of fertility. As a result, their marriage endows the earth with fertility, and the cyclical renewal of life is ensured. [1]

But a terrible day was to come when Ishtar would lose her lover, and would have to travel to the ends of the earth, and endure much pain and suffering, in order to bring him back.

The myth tells how Tammuz is killed, during the same month that bears his name. In the burning days of late summer the people came to the fields, where Tammuz stood, and cruelly murdered him with sickles scattering his flesh over the land. When the Goddess Ishtar learned of the death of her beloved, she was distraught with grief. Weary and worn from weeping she knew that she must find the spirit of Tammuz and bring him back to life, whatever perils faced her.

Ishtar finally descends to the netherworld to rescue Tammuz from “land of no return.” During these events in the netherworld , everything on earth is withering away. Trees and plants wither and die and animals and humans alike are sterile.

When Ishtar pleads with the Gods to restore Tammuz to life, the Gods agree, but to a partial reprieve only; whereby Tammuz spends six months in the world of the living and the following six months in the netherworld . Hence Tammuz is restored to life in the netherworld and together with his lover Ishtar they triumphantly return to earth on the first day of spring and the start of the New Year in Beth Nahrain.

Over the centuries as the myth was passed from generation to generation the love story was further elaborated. The expanded version of the myth explains how Ishtar's husband Tammuz, who was also her son and her brother, came together with Ishtar in the world. She bore him, she made love with him and yet she remained a virgin.

After Tammuz was killed by a wild boar, Ishtar put ashes on her head and mourned for 40 days, giving up all pleasures and food. But then, she discovers that she is pregnant. She declares that it is a miraculous conception and in celebration of this miraculous pregnancy, this divine fertility, she has an egg of gold made, calling it the golden egg of Ishtar.

Ishtar searches for Tammuz all over the world. And finally finds him in the netherworld and eventually brings him back to life. Tammuz is resurrected and the vegetation again flourishes.

The History

The Resurrection of Ishtar and Tammuz , also known as Easter (Ishtar), was not a new holiday. Before Christianity it was celebrated throughout the Roman Empire and is even mentioned in Acts 12:4 being celebrated by King Herod. “And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.”

Then ancient Babylonians also celebrated this event by colouring eggs and rabbits were used to symbolise fertility and the God Tammuz.

In ancient Babylon when Tammuz died, the followers of Ishtar joined her in mourning and proclaimed a forty day period of sorrow each year prior to the anniversary of the death of Tammuz. During this time, no meat was to be eaten. Thus the practice of mourning for the loss of the "son of god" was adopted by many for centuries thereafter. This act was later "Christianised" and given the name of Lent. Today Easter falls right after the observance of the forty days of Lent.

In Beth Nahrain, during the time of growth when the first rains after the long summer fell, the people also celebrated the festival known as the Holy Marriage of Ishtar and Tammuz - yearly at the autumn equinox - which brought the land fertility and growth yet again. Tammuz had returned from the netherworld and made love with Ishtar again. This time was also the second harvest, the harvest of the fruits, a time of winemaking and the slaughtering of animals in preparation for winter.

Gypsy Magic About Ishtar

The Death of Tammuz also known as Noosardel (sprinkling water on the path of God) was another holiday celebrated with an early morning worship service in which the penitents face east as seen during Ezekiel's time (Ezekial 8:14) when the women wept for Ishtar's son. “Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord's house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.”

In each legend, Tammuz dies young and his birth is honoured on his birthday which coincided with the Winter Solstice. This was celebrated around December 21 st . Part of the religious ritual involved cutting down a young evergreen tree as a way of commemorating the premature death of Tammuz. Along with this the Babylonians would also burn a Yala (Yule) log, called "the log of the son.” It was burned in the fire to symbolise the death of Tammuz. The next day the evergreen tree would be decorated with silver and gold. The log that was burned was now alive again as the Tammuz tree. The Old Testament book of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 10:3-4) also describes how the Birth of Tammuz was celebrated in ancient Babylon , "..for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the ax; They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not." 

Conversion by Force

In 313AD, while battling to become the new emperor of Rome , Constantine claimed that he saw a burning cross in the sky, with the words, "in this sign, conquer." After emerging victorious from the battle he finally gave Christians freedom of worship throughout the Roman Empire .

It was not until 380 AD that Emperor Theodosius introduced legislation that affirmed the dogmas of the Council of Nicaea and made church membership compulsory. By 393AD, he had made Christianity the official and only state religion of the Roman Empire . He then undertook the forcible suppression of all other religions, and the prohibition of all forms of paganism. [2] Any who would dare to hold to any other form of worship were considered heretics and would suffer severe punishment from the state.

The people of Babylon who, at the time, practiced the Babylonian religion, its priests and its practices, were assimilated into the Christian church by force. With the Christian church no such festival as Christmas was ever heard of till the third century and it was not till the fourth century was far advanced that it gained much observance. The late-December holiday when they burned the Yala log and decorated the evergreen Tammuz tree was given the name Christmas, presumably to celebrate the birth of Christ. The autumn marriage feast celebrating the marriage of Tammuz and Ishtar was renamed by Emperor Constantine to the Feast of the Holy Cross. Ishtar the queen of heaven and her child became the Madonna and child. The spring holiday of the golden egg of Ishtar was called Easter, and given the meaning of observing the resurrection of Christ, not Tammuz.


According to ancient Babylonian myths and history, the resurrection, death, marriage and birth of Tammuz and Ishtar are ancient Babylonian holidays that have never left us. Hijacked by the Roman Empire and then “repackaged” as Christian holidays, they remain stark evidence of the depth and piety the ancient people of Beth Nahrain once held for their ancient Gods.


[1] Myths of Babylonia and Assyria, Donald A. Mackenzie, pp 305-325
[2] Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol 18, p.926.


Holiday; Season
Zodiac Sign
 Equivalent Modern Holiday
 Babylonian Traditions

Resurrection of Tammuz
 20 March
 Nissan (Apr)
 The Labourer or Messenger
Nooruz (Persian/Kurdish)
 - Ishtar Eggs
- Rabbits
- Nissan's Beard (Dikhna d'Neesan)

Spring Equinox  20 April
 Iyyar (May)
 “Bull of heaven”

Day equals Night 21 May
 Khzeran (Jun)
 The Faithful Shepherd or Twins

Death of Tammuz  20 June  Tammuz (Jul)  Crab or Scorpion Noosardel (West)
Birth of St. John the Baptist - Fasting for 40 days.
Summer Solstice  21 July
 Ab (Aug)
 The big dog(Lion)
 - Weeping for Tammuz
Longest Day  23 August
 Elul (Sep)
 Ishtar, the virgin's ear of corn
 - Sprinkling of Water.
Marriage of Tammuz & Ishtar
 22 September
 Tisri (Oct)
 The balance
 Feast of the Holy Cross - Honey collection
- Slaughtering of animals for winter
- Marriage feast

Autumn Equinox 22 October
 Marcheswan (Nov)
 Scorpion of darkness

Day equals Night  21 November
 Chisleu (Dec)
 Man or man-horse with bow

Birth of Tammuz 21 December Tebet (Jan)  Ea's goat fish Christmas - Burning of Yule(Yala) log.
- Decoration of Tammuz tree

Winter Solstice 19 January
 Sebat (Feb)
 God with water urn Ea?

Longest Night
 18 February
 Adar (Mar)
 Fish tails in canal

[Author's Note: On this occasion I would like to wish all our people in Iraq , and around the world, a Happy Ishtar holiday. Let's all pray that our homeland, symbolized by our God Tammuz, will one day be resurrected and return from its current state in the netherworld. The Ishtar holiday is today more important than ever as it gives the people of Iraq hope for a new beginning and a brighter future.]