Friday, October 15, 2010

UFO Mass Sighting Tonite October 14, 2010 
Disclosure Live Reports

CosmicDramaQueen | October 13, 2010 Youtube Channel

Disclosure 2010 Update October 13, 2010 All day non-stop reporting from the one the only COSMIC DRAMA QUEEN..aka Queen of the Cosmic Drama hee hee

DISCERNMENT is what it will all boil down to in the coming days, weeks, months. So Many Liars, Disinfo, Co-intel Pros, Truthers, Paranoids etc.

Listen, Learn, and then by all means Make up YOUR OWN MIND because that's what it's there for.

I have researched this topic for over Twenty Years and in no way am I saying that I am correct. I am sharing my OPINIONS based on my Experience and my Own findings and proof.
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